A“Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy. In the restoration and promotion of the sacred liturgy, this full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else; for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit...”
Constitution on Sacred Liturgy,
Sancrosanctum Concilium, Number 14 (emphasis added) promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on December 4, 1963.
Faith Community Examination of Conscience
Based on the 3 Point Agenda taken from Sacrosanctum Concilium, 14
1. Conscious Participation
2. Active Participation
3. Full Participation
Do I know why I go to church? Am I well aware of what my roles are in the church? Am I really aware of why I need to perform some duties in the church? Do I know that I come to church to serve the God of all creation? Do I take time to prepare myself before each Mass? Do I really open my mouth during the liturgy by singing and responding verbally as proper? Am I well aware of the deeper meaning of the church building as a dwelling place of God, where the saints and angels are always adoring and worshipping him? Do I respect this divine presence by conducting myself appropriately? Do I really confess my sins during the penitential service in Mass? Do I really listen to the Word of God during Mass? Do I take home a message from the homily? Do I really know the meaning behind my offertory gift? Do I really connect with my offertory gift and mean to really offer it to God as an embodiment of my gratitude for his love? Do I really appreciate the gift of the Eucharist? Can I say that going to church helps me, gives meaning and purpose to my life? Do I know that the church can help me to gain salvation? Do I know all that the church offers to help me gain salvation? Do I always access the benefits in the Word of God and the sacraments of the church?
BDo I get involved in parish ministries? Do I get involved in welcoming people for Mass? Do I get involved in cleaning the church? Do I get involved in cleaning the church compound? Have I volunteered to read during Mass and services? Do I get involved in singing or helping with church music? Do I get involved in offering my services to the church whenever I can help? Do I use my skills in promoting the kingdom of God? How can I help make the church flourish in many years to come? How can I promote vocations to priesthood and consecrated life? To what extent am I active in living up to the demands of my faith and building up our faith community? To what extent am I encouraging young people and children to embrace the faith and benefit from the spiritual wealth of the church? To what extent am I participating in social activities of the faith community? To what extent do I participate or even lead in prayer activities in the faith community? To what extent do I identify with other persons and families, especially when they are in need, such as in sickness and bereavement?
CDo I fully promote the gospel of Jesus Christ and his ministry within my parish? Do I read all the updates of the parish newsletter and try to play roles in any way I can? Do I make efforts to bring people back to the parish community? Do I think of how I can help others gain salvation? Do I encourage people to baptise, confirm or marry in the church? Do I encourage people to access the sacraments in general? Do I also fully make use of all the sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Confession? Do I make efforts to bring my whole household to prayer? Am I actively involved in all aspects of parish life; socially, spiritually and financially? Do I believe that the family is the domestic church? Do I promote spirituality among family members and dear ones? Do we say daily prayers, and as a family culture come together to share the word of God? Do I have an altar of prayer in my household? Do I have and make use of sacramentals like medals, rosaries and holy water?
DChurch versus Work - How we treat the Church versus how we treat our Work.
Author: Unknown
1. We don’t mind being late for church but we try our best not to be late for work.
2. We miss church because we say we are tired from work but we never miss work for church.
3. We spend two hours a week in church and complain that it’s too long and go to work for eight hours a day for five or six days a week.
4. When we are confronted with our mistakes in church we quickly transfer to another church. When we are confronted with our mistakes at work we apologise and promise to do better next time.
5. When we are called to be at church other than on a Sunday we make excuses that we are busy. When we are called to work on a Sunday we miss church and give the excuse that we have to work.
6. We miss church because we are not feeling well but go to work even if we are not feeling well.
7. We want our Christmas party in church to be for free but we pay for Christmas parties at work
8. We check our phones during church services but we turn off our phones during meetings at the office.
9. We shy away from responsibilities in church but we work hard at the office to be promoted
10. We complain that the sermon in church is too long but we can work hours of overtime at the office.
11. Many times the boss at the office receives more respect and honour than the pastor of the church.
12. We give the church excuses and give our work results…