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EVANGELIUM VITAE by Pope John Paul II (Pt. 8)

17. Humanity today offers us a truly alarming spectacle, if we consider not only how extensively attacks on life are spreading but also their unheard-of numerical proportion, and the fact that they receive widespread and powerful support from a broad consensus on the part of society, from widespread legal approval and the involvement of certain sectors of health-care personnel.

As I emphatically stated at Denver, on the occasion of the Eighth World Youth Day, "with time the threats against life have not grown weaker. They are taking on vast proportions. They are not only threats coming from the outside, from the forces of nature or the? Cains’ who kill the? Abels’; no, they are scientifically and systematically programmed threats. The twentieth century will have been an era of massive attacks on life, an endless series of wars and a continual taking of innocent human life. False prophets and false teachers have had the greatest success".15 Aside from intentions, which can be varied and perhaps can seem convincing at times, especially if presented in the name of solidarity, we are in fact faced by an objective "conspiracy against life", involving even international Institutions, engaged in encouraging and carrying out actual campaigns to make contraception, sterilization and abortion widely available. Nor can it be denied that the mass media are often implicated in this conspiracy, by lending credit to that culture which presents recourse to contraception, sterilization, abortion and even euthanasia as a mark of progress and a victory of freedom, while depicting as enemies of freedom and progress those positions which are unreservedly pro-life.

"Am I my brother's keeper?" (Gen 4:9): a perverse idea of freedom 

18. The panorama described needs to be understood not only in terms of the phenomena of death which characterize it but also in the variety of causes which determine it. The Lord's question: "What have you done?" (Gen 4:10), seems almost like an invitation addressed to Cain to go beyond the material dimension of his murderous gesture, in order to recognize in it all the gravity of the motives which occasioned it and the consequences which result from it.

Decisions that go against life sometimes arise from difficult or even tragic situations of profound suffering, loneliness, a total lack of economic prospects, depression and anxiety about the future. Such circumstances can mitigate even to a notable degree subjective responsibility and the consequent culpability of those who make these choices which in themselves are evil. But today the problem goes far beyond the necessary recognition of these personal situations. It is a problem which exists at the cultural, social and political level, where it reveals it’s more sinister and disturbing aspect in the tendency, ever more widely shared, to interpret the above crimes against life as legitimate expressions of individual freedom, to be acknowledged and protected as actual rights.

In this way, and with tragic consequences, a long historical process is reaching a turning-point. The process which once led to discovering the idea of "human rights"-rights inherent in every person and prior to any Constitution and State legislation-is today marked by a surprising contradiction. Precisely in an age when the inviolable rights of the person are solemnly proclaimed and the value of life is publicly affirmed, the very right to life is being denied or trampled upon, especially at the more significant moments of existence: the moment of birth and the moment of death.

On the one hand, the various declarations of human rights and the many initiatives inspired by these declarations show that at the global level there is a growing moral sensitivity, more alert to acknowledging the value and dignity of every individual as a human being, without any distinction of race, nationality, religion, political opinion or social class.

On the other hand, these noble proclamations are unfortunately contradicted by a tragic repudiation of them in practice. This denial is still more distressing, indeed more scandalous, precisely because it is occurring in a society which makes the affirmation and protection of human rights its primary objective and its boast. How can these repeated affirmations of principle be reconciled with the continual increase and widespread justification of attacks on human life? How can we reconcile these declarations with the refusal to accept those who are weak and needy, or elderly, or those who have just been conceived? These attacks go directly against respect for life and they represent a direct threat to the entire culture of human rights. It is a threat capable, in the end, of jeopardizing the very meaning of democratic coexistence: rather than societies of "people living together", our cities risk becoming societies of people who are rejected, marginalized, uprooted and oppressed. If we then look at the wider worldwide perspective, how can we fail to think that the very affirmation of the rights of individuals and peoples made in distinguished international assemblies is a merely futile exercise of rhetoric, if we fail to unmask the selfishness of the rich countries which exclude poorer countries from access to development or make such access dependent on arbitrary prohibitions against procreation, setting up an opposition between development and man himself? Should we not question the very economic models often adopted by States which, also as a result of international pressures and forms of conditioning, cause and aggravate situations of injustice and violence in which the life of whole peoples is degraded and trampled upon? To be continued.


FATHER INNOCENT'S ANNUAL LEAVE - 30th December 2024 to 30th January 2025.

In his absence, Masses will be supplied by the Friars at Erith; namely Rev Krzysztof Przybylski and Rev. James Boner. We appreciate their help and warmly welcome them to our parish.

Masses remain as usual except there will be no Masses on Saturday mornings only.


This has now started and you will see notices in the church to guide you on filming areas. Please remember that all readers, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, sacristan’s and anyone who needs to enter the sanctuary must complete a consent form, which are in the porch, and given to Fr. Innocent or placed in the box in the porch. We cannot be held responsible if you knowingly appear on camera and have chosen to not sign a consent form. Please speak to Fr. Innocent for more information.


Notices for the weekly parish newsletter need to be emailed to by Tuesday evening.


Donations can be placed in the signed crate in the porch and will be delivered on Monday Mornings to the Food Bank.


Everyone is warmly invited to join this Archdiocese-wide prayer initiative, praying a decade of the Rosary each day for priests and parishes in their deanery. For details see the poster on the noticeboard, pick up an invitation leaflet at the back of church or email


The next meeting will be on the 23rd January 2025 at 12.30pm in the hall.


The Lectionary has now changed. Due to this change, the Mass books that we have will need to be changed which comes at a large cost to the parish. We have purchased part 1 of cycle C but we still need donations for the remaining 5 books which will cover all 3 cycles. We have received £1,315.00 so far and donations can be made in the usual ways.


The weekly clean of the church takes place each Friday morning after the 10am Mass. As a result of many people's efforts over the autumn there has been an improvement to the cleanliness and presentation of our parish church. Thank you to everyone who has offered to help in any way. The group consists of some UCM women who are available on Friday mornings and other parishioners who offer their help when they can. Sometimes there are fewer people, sometimes more, but most importantly it is something that has now become a regular session. If you have any spare time on Friday mornings please consider offering your help to maintain the cleanliness and the good presentation of our church. All help offered is always welcomed.


Please pray for the souls of Mario Carrasco who died recently, his funeral was on the 30th December, Antonio Zachariah Fernandes whose funeral was on the 11th December, Carol James whose funeral was on the 19th December.

May they rest in peace.



Saturday 11th January

W Feria of Christmas Time 

No Morning Mass


6 p.m. Daily Rosary

6.30 p.m. Joaquim D’Souza TG


Sunday 12th January W

8.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

9.00 a.m. Vaishali Patel-Health WB

10.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

11.00 a.m. People of the Parish


Monday 13th January

G Feria

No Public Mass Today


 Tuesday 14th January

G Feria

9.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

10.00 a.m. James Family TG


Wednesday 15th January

G Feria

9.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

10.00 a.m. Norma Marshal WB


Thursday 16th January

G Feria

9.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

10.00 a.m. Eileen Budd WB


Friday 17th January

W St Anthony

9.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

10.00 a.m. Birthday Mass RIP


 Saturday 18th January

G Feria

No Morning Mass


6 p.m. Daily Rosary

6.30 p.m. Saluzinho Fernandes RIP


 Sunday 19th January G

8.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

9.00 a.m. Graham Keepax WB

10.30 a.m. Daily Rosary

11.00 a.m. D. S. Baptista RIP

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